Ingredient List
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Product | Price | Formulation | Stock | Quantity | ||
Active Ingredients: Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 5X, Quercus (cort.) decoct. (Decoction of oak bark) 5X, Cinis Quercus (Decoction of oak bark ash) 5X, Equisetum (Common horsetail) 6X |
$34.50 |
2 |
Active Ingredients: Rosmarinus (Rosemary) 4X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Meteoric iron 20X |
$34.50 |
89 |
Active Ingredients: Rosmarinus ex herba (Rosemary) 4X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Meteoric Iron 20X |
$30.95 |
28 |
Active Ingredients: Calc. carb. e cinere ossium (Calcium carbonate from bovine bone ash) 6X, Pandanus e rad. aeria (Screw pine) 6X |
$34.50 |
15 |
Active Ingredient: 100 gm contains: 0.5 gm Calc. carb. e cinere ossium (Calcium carbonate from bovine bone ash) 1X, Pandanus e rad. aeria (Screw pine) 6X |
$24.85 |
30 |
Active Ingredients: Bryophyllum (Life plant) 2X, Crataegus (Hawthorn) 3X, Passiflora (Passionflower) 3X, Salix vitellina (Golden willow) 3X |
$24.85 |
17 |
Active Ingredients: Calendula ex herba 3X, Atropa belladonna ex herba 17X, Gingiva 17X, Mandibula (feti) 17X, Maxilla (feti) 17X, Periodontium 17X, Argentum nitricum 20X, Quartz 30X |
$34.50 |
21 |
Active Ingredient: Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 30X |
$34.50 |
16 |
Active Ingredient: Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 30X |
$30.95 |
26 |
Active Ingredient: Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 30X |
$24.85 |
13 |
Active Ingredient: Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X |
$30.95 |
12 |
Active Ingredient: Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 8X |
$34.50 |
20 |
Active Ingredients: Cuprum sulfuricum (Copper sulfate) 4X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X, Rosmarinus ex herba (Rosemary) 6X, Succinum (Amber) 6X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 12X, Argentum metallicum (Silver) 30X |
$34.50 |
19 |
Active Ingredients: Cuprum sulf. (Copper sulfate) 4X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X, Rosmarinus (Rosemary) 6X, Succinum (Amber) 6X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 12X, Argentum met. (Silver) 30X |
$30.95 |
88 |
Active Ingredients: Tartarus stibiatus (Potassium antimonotartrate) 3X, Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X |
$30.95 |
23 |
Active Ingredient: Phytolacca e rad. 6X |
$34.50 |
85 |
Active Ingredients: 100gm contains: 50gm Plantago (Ribwort plantain) 2X, 50gm Primula (Cowslip) 2X; Hyoscyamus (Henbane) 3X |
$34.50 |
52 |
Active Ingredients: Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 3X, Abies (White fir) 6X, Plantago (Ribwort plantain) 6X, Salvia (Sage) 6X, Vivianite (Natural ferrous phosphate) 7X, Bryonia (White bryony) 8X, Eupatorium can. (Hemp agrimony) 8X, Bronchi (Bovine bronchi) 17X, Larynx (Bovine larynx) 17X, Pyrite (Nat. Iron disulfide) 17X, Tunica mucosa nasi (Bovine nasal mucosa) 17X |
$23.65 |
on backorder |
Active Ingredients: 100 gm contains: 50 gm Resina laricis (Larch resin) 1X; Salvia (Sage) 3X, Drosera (Sundew) 4X, Petasites (Butterbur) 4X, Plantago (Ribwort plantain) 4X |
$30.95 |
62 |
Active Ingredients: 100 gm contains: 50 gm Resina laricis (Larch resin) 1X; Salvia e fol. (Sage) 3X, Drosera ex herba (Sundew) 4X, Petasites e rad. (Butterbur) 4X, Plantago e fol. (Plantain) 4X |
$30.95 |
139 |
100 gm contains: 30 gm Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort plantain) 1X, 15 gm Picea abies (Spruce) 1X, 2.5 gm Petasites (Butterbur) 1X, 2.5 gm Prunus (Blackthorn) 1X; Drosera (Sundew) 4X, Atropa belladonna (Nightshade) 5X, China (Peruvian bark) 5X, Coccus cacti (Female cochineal bug) 5X, Helleborus (Christmas rose) 5X, |pecacuanha (Ipecac) 5X, Mephitis (Secretion from rectal gland of skunk) 7X, Veratrum (White hellebore) 5X, Distilled water, Organic cane sugar, Beet Powder, Cherry Syrup, Organic vanilla extract, Citric acid |
$20.50 |
234 |
100 gm contains: 30 gm Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort plantain) 1X, 15 gm Picea abies (Spruce) 1X, 2.5 gm Petasites (Butterbur) 1X, 2.5 gm Prunus (Blackthorn) 1X; Drosera (Sundew) 4X, Atropa belladonna (Nightshade) 5X, China (Peruvian bark) 5X, Coccus cacti (Female cochineal bug) 5X, Helleborus (Christmas rose) 5X, |pecacuanha (Ipecac) 5X, Mephitis (Secretion from rectal gland of skunk) 7X, Veratrum (White hellebore) 5X, Distilled water, Organic cane sugar, Beet Powder, Cherry Syrup, Organic vanilla extract, Citric acid |
$34.50 |
83 |
Active Ingredients: Cichorium (Wild chicory) 3X, Oxalis (Wood sorrel) 3X, Rosmarinus (Rosemary) 3X, Carbo Betulae (Birch wood charcoal) 6X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Platinum chloratum (Hexachlorophatinic acid) 6X |
$34.50 |
19 |
Active Ingredient: Plumbum (Lead) 21X |
$32.85 |
23 |
Active Ingredient: Plumbum met. (Lead) 30X |
$30.95 |
7 |
Active Ingredient: Plumbum (Lead) 6X |
$24.85 |
6 |
Active Ingredient: Plumbum met. 8X |
$32.85 |
31 |
Active Ingredient: Mel (Honey) 14X, Plumbum met. (Lead) 14X |
$34.50 |
62 |
Active Ingredient: Plumbum silicicum 20X (Lead silicate) |
$30.95 |
13 |
Active Ingredients: Allium cepa (Onion) 2X, Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 2X, Hirudo (Leech) 4X, Polygonatum (Solomon’s seal) 4X, Vespa crabro (Hornet) 6X, Aurum met. (Metallic gold) 8X, Cartilago articularis (Bovine cartilage) 8X, Cuprum met. (Copper) 8X, Cutis (feti) (Porcine skin) 8X, Placenta (bovis) (Bovine placenta) 8X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 8X, Thuja (American arborvitae) 8X, Mesenchyme (Porcine embryonic connective tissue) 10X, Argentum met. (Silver) 12X, Barium citricum (Barium citrate) 12X, Graphites (Foliated crystalline carbon) 17X |
$30.95 |
69 |
Active Ingredients: Onopordon (Cotton thistle) 3X, Primula (Cowslip) 3X, Hyoscyamus (Henbane) 4X |
$24.85 |
45 |
$34.50 |
27 |
Ingredients: Organic olive oil, Blackthorn flower extract |
$30.95 |
40 |
Active Ingredient: 100 gm contains: 5 gm Prunus spinosa e flor. et summ. (Blackthorn) 1X |
$34.50 |
37 |
Active Ingredient: 100 gm contains: 30gm Prunus spinosa e summ. (Blackthorn) 1X |
$30.95 |
57 |
Active Ingredient: 100 gm contains: 10gm Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) 1X |
$30.95 |
24 |
Active Ingredient: Pulmo (Bovine lung) 8X |
$34.50 |
49 |
Active Ingredients: Bryonia (White bryony) 6X, Gelsemium (Yellow jasmine) 6X, Tartarus stib. (Potassium antimonotartrate) 8X, Vivianite (Nat. ferrous phosphate) 8X, Pulmo (Bovine lung) 17X |
$34.50 |
21 |
Active Ingredients: Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 2X, Astragalus (Milk vetch) 3X, Atropa belladonna (Nightshade) 3X, Taraxacum (Dandelion) 4X, Vivianite (Nat. ferrous phosphate) 6X, Lachesis e ven. (Bushmaster venom) 12X, Pulmo (Bovine Lung) 17X, Argentum met. (Silver) 30X |
$34.50 |
2 |
Active Ingredients: Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 2X, Astragalus (Milk vetch) 3X, Atropa belladonna (Nightshade) 3X, Taraxacum (Dandelion) 4X, Vivianite (Nat. ferrous phosphate) 6X, Lachesis (Bushmaster venom) 12X, Pulmo (Bovine lung)17X, Argentum (Silver) 30X |
$24.85 |
39 |
Active Ingredients: Ferrum met. (Iron) 8X, Pulmo (Bovine lung) 17X |
$34.50 |
22 |
Active Ingredients: Ferrum met. (Iron) 8X, Pulmo (Bovine lung) 17X |
$24.85 |
50 |
Active Ingredients: Pulmo (Bovine lung) 8X, Mercurius vivus (Mercury) 17X |
$34.50 |
32 |
Active Ingredients: Pulmo (Bovine lung) 8X, Mercurius vivus (Mercury) 17X |
$30.95 |
on backorder |
Active Ingredients: Pulmo (Bovine lung) 6X, Tartarus stibiatus (Potassium antimonotartrate) 8X |
$34.50 |
37 |
Active Ingredients: Pulmo (Bovine lung) 6X, Ferrum met. (Iron) 8X, Tartarus stib. (Potassium antimonotartrate) 8X |
$24.85 |
12 |
Active Ingredients: Hepar (Bovine liver) 4X, Magnesium hydroxydatum (Magnesium hydroxide) 4X, Pulsatilla (Pasqueflower) 12X, Tormentilla (Bloodwort) 30X |
$24.85 |
61 |
Active Ingredients: Calendula 1X, Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 1X, Eucalyptus 1X, Salvia (Sage) 1X, Gingiva (Bovine gums) 8X, Tonsilla (Bovine tonsil) 8X, Vaucheria (Fresh water algae) 8X, Argentum nitricum (Silver nitrate) 21X, Atropa belladonna (Nightshade) 21X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 21X |
$26.65 |
95 |
Active Ingredients: Salvia (Sage) 1X, Pyrite (Nat. Iron disulfide) 2X, Archangelica (Longwort) 3X, Hyoscyamus (Henbane) 7X, Argentum nitricum (Silver nitrate) 15X, Hyacinth (Yellow-red to red brown gem ) 17X |
$24.85 |
158 |