Ingredient List
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Product | Price | Formulation | Stock | Quantity | ||
Active Ingredients: Viscum Mali (Apple tree mistletoe) 5X, Apis (Honeybee) 6X, Funiculus umbilic. (Bovine umbilical cord) 6X, Hypophysis (Bovine pituitary gland) 8X, Mamma (Bovine mammary gland) 6X, Magnesite (Nat. magnesium carbonate) 8X |
$34.50 |
39 |
$24.85 |
17 |
Active Ingredient: Magnesium carbonicum (Magnesium carbonate) 6X |
$30.95 |
4 |
Active Ingredients: Arnica 3X, Bryonia (White bryony) 3X, Apis (Honeybee) 5X, Vespa crabro (Hornet) 5X, Funiculus umbil. (Bovine umbilical cord) 6X, Ovaria (Bovine ovaries) 6X, Viscum Mali (Apple tree mistletoe) 6X, Amethyst (Nat. silicic acid anhydrate with traces of manganese and iron) 8X, Hypophysis (Bovine pituitary gland) 8X, Magnes. sulf. (Magnesium sulfate) 8X, Stannum met. (Metallic tin) 10X |
$34.50 |
21 |
Active Ingredients: Arnica 3X, Bryonia (White bryony) 3X, Apis (Honeybee) 5X, Vespa crabro (Hornet) 5X, Amethyst (Nat. silicic acid anhydrate with traces of manganese and iron) 6X, Funiculus umbilicalis (Bovine umbilical cord) 6X, Magnesium sulf. (Magnesium sulfate) 6X, Ovaria (Bovine ovaries) 6X, Viscum Mali (Apple tree mistletoe) 6X, Hypophysis (Bovine pituitary gland) 8X, Stannum met. (Metallic tin) 10X |
$24.85 |
32 |
Ingredients: Sunflower seed oil, Jojoba oil, Malva flower extract, Essential oil blend, Blackthorn flower extract, Elder flower extract, Linden flower extract, St. Johns wort extract |
$29.00 |
69 |
Ingredients: Organic olive oil, Blackthorn flower extract, Elder flower extract, Hollyhock flower extract, Linden flower extract, Linden leaf extract, St. Johns wort herb extract, Essential oil blend |
$30.95 |
10 |
Active Ingredient: Mamma (dextra) 6X |
$34.50 |
4 |
Active Ingredients: Betula (Silver birch leaves) 3X, Mandragora (Mandrake) 3X, Meniscus genus (Bovine medial meniscus of the knee joint) 6X, Formica (Red wood ant) 10X, Arnica 15X, Equisetum (Common horsetail) 15X |
$34.50 |
74 |
Active Ingredients: Mandragora (Mandrake) 3X, Taraxacum (Dandelion) 3X, Argentum (Silver) 6X, Collagen (Bovine collagen) 6X, Formica (Red wood ant) 6X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Periosteum (Bovine periosteum) 8X |
$34.50 |
on backorder |
Active Ingredients: Mandragora (Mandrake) 3X, Taraxacum (Dandelion) 3X, Argentum met. (Silver) 6X, Collagen (Bovine collagen) 6X, Formica (Red wood ant) 6X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Periosteum (Bovine periosteum) 8X |
$24.85 |
33 |
Active Ingredients: 100 gm contains: 12.5 gm Marjorana (Marjoram) 1X, 12.5 gm Melissa (Lemon balm) 1X |
$24.85 |
38 |
Ingredients: Organic olive oil, Lemon balm herb extract, Marjoram herb extract, Essential oil blend |
$30.95 |
6 |
Active Ingredients: Quercus (cort.), Majorana e frut., Achillea millefolium e flor., Urtica Dioica e flor., Capsella bursa-pastoris ex herba |
$30.95 |
37 |
Active Ingredients: Quercus (cort.), Majorana e frut., Achillea millefolium e flor., Urtica Dioica e flor., Capsella bursa-pastoris ex herba |
$24.85 |
28 |
Active Ingredients: Cornu cervi (Stag’s horn) 8X, Medulla spin. (Bovine spinal cord) 8X, Stibium met. (Antimony) 8X, Aurum met. (Metallic gold) 10X, Betula e cort. (Silver birch bark) 10X, Jasper (Semiprecious stone) 17X, Arnica 20X |
$24.85 |
27 |
Active Ingredient: Medulla ossium (Bovine bone marrow) 8X |
$34.50 |
25 |
Active Ingredients: Bryophyllum (Life plant) 3X, Chamomilla (Chamomile) 3X, Melissa (Lemon balm) 3X, Sepia (Squid ink) 6X, Aconitum (Monkshood) 10X, Lachesis (Bushmaster venom) 12X |
$24.85 |
61 |
Active Ingredient: 100 gm contains: 35gm Melissa (Lemon balm) 1X, Aconitium (Monkshood) 30X, Atropa belladonna (Nightshade) 30X, Rhus (Sumac) 30X |
$20.50 |
37 |
Active Ingredients: 100 gm contains: 50 gm Mercurialis (Dog’s mercury) 1X, 30 gm Calendula 1X, 20 gm Allium cepa (Onion) 1X |
$30.95 |
184 |
Active Ingredient: Mercurius vivus (Mercury) 21X |
$34.50 |
9 |
Active Ingredient: Mercurius vivus (Mercury) 8X |
$34.50 |
14 |
Active Ingredients: Pulmo (Bovine lung) 6X, Mercurius auratus (Gold amalgam) 15X |
$34.50 |
78 |
Active Ingredients: Cor (Bovine heart) 6X, Hepar (Bovine liver) 6X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Pulmo (Bovine Lung) 6X, Quercus/Cinis (Oak bark ash) 6X, Renes (Bovine kidneys) 6X, Mesenchyme (Porcine embryonic connective tissue) 8X |
$34.50 |
28 |
Active Ingredients: Cor (Bovine heart) 6X, Hepar (Bovine liver) 6X, Pancreas (Bovine pancreas) 6X, Pulmo (Bovine lung) 6X, Quercus (Oak) 6X, Quercus Cinis (Oak bark ash) 6X, Renes (Bovine kidneys) 6X, Mesenchyme (Porcine embryonic connective tissue) 8X |
$24.85 |
28 |
Active Ingredients: Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X, Meteoric iron 12X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 12X |
$34.50 |
100 |
Active Ingredients: Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X, Meteoric iron 12X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 12X |
$24.85 |
39 |
Active Ingredients: Prunus spin. (Blackthorn) 2X, Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 3X, Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X, Meteoric iron 12X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 12X |
$34.50 |
74 |
Active Ingredients: Prunus spin. (Blackthorn) 2X, Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 3X, Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X, Meteoric iron 12X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 12X |
$30.95 |
10 |
Active Ingredients: Prunus spinosa (Blackthorn) 2X, Echinacea (Purple coneflower) 3X, Phosphorus (Yellow phosphorus) 6X, Meteoric iron 12X, Quartz (Rock crystal) 12X |
$24.85 |
177 |
Active Ingredients: Argentum nitricum (Silver nitrate) 6X, Cantharis (Spanish fly) 6X, Croton tiglia (Basketgrass) 6X, Daphne mezereum (Mezeron) 6X, Rhus tox. (Poison Sumac) 6X |
$24.85 |
9 |
Active Ingredients: Stramonium (Datura stramonium) 3X, Agaricus muscarius (Fly agaric mushroom) 4X, Mygale avicularis (Black Cuban spider) 8X |
$30.95 |
79 |
Active Ingredients: Myristica sebifera (Juice from the bark of Myristica sebifera) 4X, Kalium bichromicum (Potassium dichromate) 6X, Tunica mucosa nasi (Bovine nasal mucosa) 7X, Argentum nitricum (Silver nitrate) 20X |
$34.50 |
42 |
Active Ingredients: Myristica seb. (Juice from the bark of Myristica sebifera) 4X, Kalium bichromicum (Potassium dichromate) 6X, Tunica mucosa nasi (Bovine nasal mucosa) 7X, Argentum nitricum (Silver nitrate) 20X |
$24.85 |
47 |