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Our Story

Uriel Pharmacy produces anthroposophic, homeopathic, natural medicines and body care products in the USA. All our remedies are created by doctors.

Uriel Pharmacy was started in rural Wisconsin in 1996 by Mark McKibben, whose entire career has been dedicated to Anthroposophic pharmacy.

Mark trained in Germany at the WALA pharmaceutical company in Switzerland and at the Ita Wegman Klinik Pharmacy (now Klinik Arlesheim) and at Weleda Pharmacy USA.

Whenever possible we use biodynamically grown, organic medicinal herbs in our products. We have biodynamic medicinal gardens that supply most of our needs.

What is Biodynamic Agriculture?

Biodynamics is a form of organic, regenerative agriculture in which specially prepared herbs and minerals are added to compost or sprayed on soil and plants to stimulate cohesive life energies that in turn make plants healthier and more dynamic.

Anthropsophic medicine around the world

Anthroposophic medicines are used throughout the world. In Europe there are several hospitals using this holistic approach to medicine, for example, Klinik Arlesheim in Switzerland, Herdecke Community Hospital in Germany, Paracelsus Hospital in Munich, Havelhoe Community Hospital in Berlin and more, as well as hundreds of practitioners.

Our Ingredients

Uriel uses anthroposophic homeopathic ingredients from the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. It is a deep truth that nature was once part of the human being. When properly prepared, substances from nature can help to make us whole again.

Giving Back

Each year, we make significant donations and contributions toward different training programs for anthroposphic medicine, integrative medicine and research. It is always our goal to give back where we can.

Serving Healing Professions

We serve real human needs.

We create hundreds of specialized products for individual needs. Following the anthroposophic approach, we generally produce more than 1,000 different homeopathic products every year in small batches. While this is not usually considered the avenue to business success, we make it work because we want to be of service. We are always looking for feedback to help us improve and better meet your needs.

A Focus on Customer Service

For new customers seeking advice, we can refer you to practitioners who are familiar with homeopathy and our products. If you are a physician, we can refer you to other independent physicians who can advise about training in homeopathy and for mentoring opportunities. Our website was built to serve you and make it easy to purchase homeopathic remedies online.

We endeavor to provide outstanding customer service and to ship all orders within 24 hours.

Our Processes

Uriel treats natural substances with many different processes to optimize their effectiveness as remedies.

Among these are exposure of the plant extracts to alternations of light and darkness or cold and warmth.

We expose most plant extracts to the rising and setting sun to imbue them with healing life energy. Some products require heat processes such as digestion, infusion, decoction, roasting, distilling and ashing. Others undergo cold processes such as freezing or freeze drying.

The finished extracts are combined and potentized by hand using a rhythmical method. During this time silence and meditative focus must be maintained, requiring disciplined concentration.

We work with the alchemy of the Human Being and Nature and look forward to share it with you through our products.

gathering wild garlic leaves