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By: Joyce Foley, BS, RN, Esthetician

I’m so excited to share the Rhythmic Rose Night Conditioner’s new packaging. Uriel has changed the spray bottle to individual ampules. This is a perfect and more effective way of treating your skin with the appropriate amount of conditioner. There are two types of conditioner, Rhythmic Rose Night Conditioner Ampule and Rhythmic Rose Night Conditioner Sensitive Ampule.

Rhythmic Rose Sensitive Ampule

In my experience, the Rhythmic Rose Night Conditioner Sensitive Ampule sooths and reduces redness and inflammation with positive results. I have suggested that these ampules can be used when traveling to restore the skin and as a daytime skin care pick me up. The small, sealed ampule vial contains and preserves the conditioner. Easy to use, perfect for travel, and so very effective and nurturing for the skin. The Rhythmic Rose Sensitive is one of my favorite skin care homeopathic remedies.

I often suggest that the ampule be used in the morning or during the day, for those who struggle with rosacea, broken capillaries due to age thinning skin, or sensitive skin prone to inflammation. I would consider using the Rhythmic Rose Sensitive morning and night as a regular routine. Important, if you wash your face before retiring to bed, there is no need to wash with cleanser in the morning. Use water to wake up your skin and apply the conditioner followed by your skin care routine.

For my special weekend skin treatment, start the morning by filling the sink with warm water, add Lavender or Rosemary Bath Oil and, with a face cloth compress your skin. The warm compresses serve to pamper and wake up the skin. Apply the Rhythmic Rose Sensitive followed by the Lemon Quartz Face Serum and Voila, a start to a perfect day!

Learn more about the regular Rhythmic Rose Night Conditioner Ampules here.


How to use the ampules in 5 easy steps