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Uriel remedies are produced with anthroposophic, homeopathic processes. Our plants are grown on biodynamic organic farms. The herbs used in our products are exposed to the light dynamic of sunrise and sunset: the energetic expansion of sunrise and the restful drawing together of sunset.

Each ingredient in a remedy is chosen by anthroposophic doctors for a specific reason. Unlike mass distributed medicine, we serve physicians who create remedies for patient needs not vice versa. We are excited to share with you our way of working. Please enjoy this inside look into a few of our homeopathic products for relief from cold and flu symptoms!

Cinnabar Dandelion Pellets

Cinnabar Dandelion Pellets are a remedy for colds and congestion in the nose and sinuses. It is especially effective when dosed frequently at the onset of symptoms or even before definite symptoms have manifested, such as the feeling of “coming down with something” (10 pellets up to every one to two hours).

See below for a description of how the ingredients work:


Agropyron e radice (quack grass or couch grass root): Known to farmers and gardeners as a tough, pernicious weed, this grass sends out numerous underground runners that quickly take over and are hard to get rid of. Quack grass exhibits strong vitality under the moist ground, a phenomenon that is curiously similar to the liver, which is our most watery organ, the most chemically active, and the most vital. Liver tissue can regenerate itself to a large degree when removed or damaged, just as quack grass is not easily eradicated but grows back quickly from bits and pieces.

Couch grass

These few observations already point in the direction of its remedy uses: overproduction of watery mucus may be caused by excessive, out of bounds liver activity. We could also say liver action becomes displaced to the head, leading to congestion with mucus.

Interestingly, silica (of which quartz crystal is composed) is abundant in grasses and especially the roots of quack grass. The silica process in the human being is especially active (and physically present in abundance) in the head and sense organs, enabling us to have a “clear head” for perceiving the world. When overcome by liver forces, our head becomes congested and foggy. Colds mostly manifest in fall and winter as we contract into ourselves from the expansion of summer, and we can use the tenacious energy of quack grass to “get hold of ourselves” and ward off illness.

Taraxacum e planta tota (whole dandelion plant): Dandelion is one of the weeds familiar to most people, its bright yellow flowers appearing in spring meadows and lawns, followed by puff balls that launch little parachute seeds. The rosette of sharply indented leaves has a thick milky juice with a bitter taste. The perennial tap root is also permeated by bitter latex. Young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a spring tonic to stimulate the liver after the relative inactivity of winter.

Here, too, we have an ingredient with a relation to water and liver functions, which are stimulated by bitter substances like dandelion. The flowers open and close every day in rhythm with the sun, and the root shows a rhythmic correspondence with the seasons, producing sugars in spring and the starch like substance, inulin, in the fall.

dandelions which is a key ingredient in our Cinnabar Dandelion Pellets

We often fall ill with colds and flu because of lack of sunlight in autumn and winter, or if we cannot generate enough inner light to maintain ourselves on the earthly plane. The sunny dandelion encourages warmth and light processes to restore the proper balance.

Cinnabaris: Cinnabar is a striking scarlet red mineral that chemically combines yellow sulfur with the silvery radiance of liquid mercury. The process of combining makes mercury non-toxic.

cinnabaris which is in Cinnabar Dandelion Pellets

Sulfur represents the metabolic digestive pole of the human being. It is found in volcanic areas with their typically pungent smell. Sulfur crystals are always slowly evaporating, causing them to have a slight smell, unlike most minerals.

Part of the problem in colds and congestion is that the digestive energy shoots upward into the head, displacing breathing activity and overwhelming the head. Mercury is able to tame the sulfur in cinnabar, helping us come to balance again.

Pyrite (iron pyrites): Pyrite is also a sulfur compound like cinnabar, but here iron combines with sulfur, transforming it into a harder mineral with a yellowish metallic luster. This is the substance called “fool’s gold” because flakes of it shine and glitter like gold in stream beds. Similarly to the action of cinnabar, pyrite helps our blood energy to be tamed when it rises up into the throat and sinus mucosa, causing sulfurous inflammation and redness. pyrite

Cinis Fagi (beech wood ash): Kalium carbonicum (potassium carbonate, potash) is the chief substance in beech wood ash. Potassium is the main extracellular electrolyte, in contrast to sodium as the main intracellular electrolyte. The alkaline substances of beech wood ash support healthy liver function, so that liver activity remains in its place and does not extend up into the head as catarrhal processes.

Archangelica Eucalyptus Ointment

Archangelica Eucalyptus Ointment brings rapid relief to all kinds of cough, especially when glands and lymph tissue are swollen. Apply to the chest and throat, add a flannel covered hot water bottle on top and – voilà!

It can be used every one to two hrs throughout the day and night for acute care, decreasing to two to three times a day as symptoms improve.

How does it work?

Close observation of nature can reveal how a plant works therapeutically – its form, its substances and even how it grows and metamorphoses. It’s no accident that form and function are related. It’s also not simply due to so-called “active ingredients” alone; these are only the material expression of the plant’s dynamic life force.

archangelica Cinnabar Dandelion Pellets Let’s get specific with Archangelica and Eucalyptus:

Archangelica: Archangelica is a biennial, meaning it lives for two years. That already is unusual; most plants are either annual or perennial. In the first year, it stays close to the ground, developing a giant root and large, horizontally spreading, feathered leaves, up to 36 inches! Archangelica grows only in damp soil, preferably near rivers or bodies of water.

The plant looks powerful but is strongly held in (like a deep breath inhaled and held), focused on root formation in the cold, moist earth. Nonetheless, the root has a strong, spicy scent. At this stage, Archangelica is full of a mucilaginous, resinous milk, sucrose and aromatic essential oils.

archangelica shoots Cinnabar Dandelion Pellets

Starting in spring of the second year, it shoots suddenly upwards and breathes out, turning into a five to six foot tall floral display. After expanding to its utmost, it then dies away.

How does this relate to illness? The milky sap is reminiscent of lymph which can become congested during colds, sore throat and flu. The strongly warming, breathing movement of Archangelica relieves congestion. We combine Archangelica with eucalyptus oil, obtained from the dry, leathery leaves of native Australian trees. Eucalyptus is so fiery that sometimes sunlight alone can ignite living trees into forest fires!

Eucalyptus Tree

Used in the right amounts in Archangelica Eucalyptus Ointment, powerful nature forces can bring healing heat and breathing movement to our respiratory system and glands.