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Aquavit Liquid is a glycerine-based combination of cheerful herbs that traces back to Paracelsus. It’s broad range of uses includes temporary relief of symptoms such as exhaustion, dizziness, nausea, weakness during convalescence, and lack of appetite. The ingredients in Aquavit Liquid are almost too numerous to count! We make it using alchemical methods of separation and recombining, first distilling the essential oils and volatile substances, then ashing and extracting purified salts from the herb remnant before mixing all the parts together again.

Take a look at our process below:

We would like to share with you a letter we received about Aquavit:

“A testimonial to Aquavit: I wrote you a few months ago how my mother (now 90 years old), who has pancreatic cancer, has dramatically improved the two times we started giving Aquavit to her and declined when we stopped. Well, recently, when she seemed much weaker, I asked her caregivers to increase the dosage from twice to three times a day and she most definitely improved. By improvement, I mean that she became stronger, takes more initiative and eats better. The hospice people are amazed at how well she is doing! She was given 6-12 months, has already lasted 10 months, and is still enjoying life. So I’m going to order three more bottles!”


Take 10 drops on the tongue or mixed with water three or four times daily before meals and at bedtime.